
时间:2023-08-24 11:36:04



初二英语作文 篇1

Today, my sister suddenly asked me a question :"do you like the sun or like the moon a little more ?" I said i do not like the sun. She asked me why i do not like the sun ,the sun so warm. I said :"because in the afternoon, the sun will have ultraviolet rays , will be his tan. Tan is not beautiful." She says she likes the moon , because she thinks that there will be stars when the moon comes out. She thought the stars were shining. I really think she is very cute and simple , very easy to meet. Think the k ……此处隐藏2343个字……bamboo diet, though some will provide specially formulated biscuits or other dietary supplements.

初二英语作文 篇9

Last Friday I fell off my bike. One of my legs was badly hurt and I had to stay in bed.

That evening, when I was alone, feeling sad, Mrs I.i, my English teacher, came to see me. I was too excited to say a word.

"I am very sorry to hear the bad news, "she began taking a seat by my side. "You mustn't worry about your lessons. I can help you."

"Thank you, teacher. But you are so busy. What's more,you are in poor health yourself."

"Never mind." With the words, she took out the textbook and began to explain the text.

With her help, I didn't fall behind in study.What a good teacher she is!

